Ballet is an artistic dance form performed to music
using precise and highly formalized set steps and gestures.
Passion for Dance with skills for life.

Early years levels

Little Dancer Class (3 – 4 years old)

Pre-Ballet Class (4-5 years old)

Beginning ballet Class (5 – 6 years old)

The lessons are taught using fairytales and dance through the magic of the imagination, storytelling and music, and costume carefully structured and filled with fun. The lessons are easy to learn and understand, yet challenge their developing minds by engaging their imaginations. This level prepares young bodies and minds for the formal study of ballet through exercises and activities that develop basic ballet skills, coordination, body awareness, musical awareness, listening and following directions skills, taking turns, and creativity.


Youth level

Ballet I (6 – 8 years old)

Ballet II (7 – 10 years old)

Ballet III (8 – 12 years old)

Intermediate level I

Level marks a transition into more classically based training. In this level, students face more structured classes, greater physical challenges and using more ballet dancers expectations. Our Upper Level Program builds upon the Young Dancers Level and students refine their quality of movement and understanding of correct techniques. Recommend 2 to 3 classes a week for this Level and students have the opportunity to participate in on-stage productions, which is an integral part to a dancer’s life.


Advanced Levels

Advanced Ballet I class (12 – 15 years old)

Advanced Ballet II class (14– 16 years old)

Advanced III (15 – 18 years old)

Students at the Advanced Level will learn advanced technique and focus on correct alignment, strength, flexibility, speed, acting skills and musicality and many other things important to the advanced dance student. They will work on developing and strengthening the muscles needed to support the body in pointe shoes and will begin working on pointe. They will develop their partnering skills and learn about the art of pas de deux. They will learn original variations from many classical ballets as well as our original SBC ballets. We believe that performing experiences are an essential element in a serious student’s artistic and technical development. Therefore, we provide advanced students with the opportunity to prepare for and perform in full length and original productions. Students graduate with skills of teaching the foundation of basic ballet classes for younger students. All advanced students are encouraged to participate and perform in our stage productions. The roles are assigned on an audition-only basis. Recommend 4 to 6 classes a week.


Intensive pre professional level

Intensive class was open In Spring Session 2010. This Program is designed to accommodate students with strong interest in learning the art of Ballet in its complexity and eager to dance and perform. This program constantly challenges the students to blend the harmony of a strong technique with an artistic ballet quality. This students meets 2 to 3 times a week. Participation in this program is upon evaluation by Sterling Ballet Academy faculty and by teacher’s recommendation.